Assistant Health Minister keeps promises made to Bureta Village

The Hon. Assistant Minister for Health & Medical Services Mrs Veena Bhatnagar has been able to successfully address issues raised by Bureta Village, Levuka during her last visit. Mrs Bhatnagar has visited Bureta Village earlier this year for Health Public Consultation during which the people from Bureta had raised issues on the condition of the…


More people fined for breaching tobacco decree

The Tobacco Control Unit of the Ministry of Health and Medical services has booked 45 offenders from 15th – 19th June in the western division for breaching the tobacco control decree. The enforcement officers mobilized in the division to monitor the illicit trade and use of tobacco products. 19 retailers were charged for failure to display a…

Healthy Fijian Food in the global spotlight

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services cookbook ‘Khana Kakana’ has placed healthy Fijian food in the global spotlight after winning second place for best health and nutrition cookbook in the world at the 2015 Gourmand Cookbook Awards. The International Gourmand Cookbook Awards are the food world’s version of the Oscar Awards, and Khana Kakana…

Get checked for improved knowledge of your health

The Ministry of Health & Medical Services has identified that there is an urgent need to screen Fijians for Diabetes and Hypertension. This is part of the National NCD screening programme which focuses of the over-30 population. This is necessary to detect and determine their behavioral risk factors, including blood sugar, blood pressure and BMI…


Dance for Health

The NCD Unit in Lautoka, in collaboration with Lautoka City Council, has commenced community dance classes every Wednesday afternoon at Shirley Park from 5 – 6.15pm. The initiative aims to encourage and motivate local citizens to engage in regular physical activity to reduce their risk of developing NCDs. Based in Shirley Park, the location allows…