Free Medicine Program

PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL HEALTH & MEDICAL SERVICES STAFF NATIONAL REGISTRATION THE GOVERNMENT OF FIJI FREE MEDICINE PROGRAM One of the FijiFirst Government’s top priorities is to provide price controlled medicines free of charge to all Fijians who earn less than $20,000 a year. Accordingly, the 2015 Budget announced by the Attorney General and Minister…

UNAIDS IBBSS and Size Estimation of Sex Workers in Fiji Report

The UNAIDS Pacific Office in partnership with Fiji’s Ministry of Health submitted a request for proposals to external researchers to conduct a population size estimate and IBBS among sex workers in Fiji. The proposal from the research team in New Zealand was accepted and forms the basis for the research presented in this report. The…

World Diabetes Day Launching

Venue:  Nadi Civic Centre Date:  14th November 2014 Bula Vinaka, Namaste, Good Morning –                Distinguished guests, teachers, students, ladies, gentlemen and valued members of the community, I have the pleasure to be here today with you all to launch the World Diabetes Day for Fiji, here in Nadi Town. When we speak of ‘launching’ this day,…