There are many risk factors that make you vulnerable to NCDs. There are those you can control, these are known as ‘modifiable risk factors’ and include;
– Tobacco use – Smoking puts you at higher risk
– Physical Inactivity – Lack of exercise
– Unhealthy diet – high in salt, sugar, fat and processed foods
– Alcohol – drinking too much puts you at higher risk
These unhealthy lifestyle habits lead to four key changes in your body that increase your risk of NCDs, these are known as ‘intermediate risk factors’ and include;
– Raised blood pressure
– Being overweight or obese
– High blood sugar levels (Hyperglycemia)
– High blood cholesterol/levels of fat in blood (Hyperlipidemia)
Many Fijians are not taking an active approach to NCD prevention through a healthy lifestyle, which is causing a worrying increase in NCDs in Fiji.
About 95% of NCDs are due to lifestyle choices. Your day-to-day decisions, what you do, what you eat, have a huge impact on your health.