The rumored strike/protest by the nurses is not happening


23 AUGUST 2023


The rumored strike/ protest tomorrow by the nurses is not happening. This has been welcomed by the Acting Minister for Health & Medical Services Filimoni Wainiqolo Vosarogo. All Fijians can continue to rely on undisrupted medical services Fiji wide.

“We have had a great meeting today between the Executives of the Fiji Nurses Association (“FNA”) and executives of the Ministry of Health and Medical Services. Today, we had a hard talk. Everything was laid on the table, historical, systemic and legacy issues of the past that needed consideration, urgent or otherwise” said Acting Minister for Health & Medical Services Filimoni Wainiqolo Vosarogo.

Staff of the Ministry and the Ministry of Finance are working through to ensure that pays for nurses reflecting their new pay backdated to 1 August is accurately reflected in their pay slips and in what they get.

“Any anomalies will be addressed by the Ministry in the subsequent pay and nurses are urged to report any anomaly that they find in their pay tomorrow. This has been assured to the FNA Executives by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Prof Biman Prasad” Acting Minister said.

The parties were reminded that consultation and continued dialogue on the most important things concerning nurses should be done periodically and consistently.

“We invite dissonance when we forget the importance of continued dialogue and officials of

government need to understand that we must work with stakeholders who serve as a  support mechanism for the common good of the nation. When we choose to discard genuine arms length dialogues, systemic strains result and before we know it, a crisis is inevitable. The key is fixing it when you have the time and opportunity to do so. We were able to do part of that today.”

“We thank the FNA Executives for coming to the meeting today and for laying on the table these legacy issues that should have been addressed years ago. I can identify systemic issues that have caused these dissonance and mistrust, apprehension and creation of an unhealthy work environment that is not good for our medical services.”

The Ministry and the FNA have agreed to meet again in the next 14 days to reflect on today’s meeting outcomes and to then map a way of a periodic scheduled meeting to continuously monitor the issues that will be discussed 14 days from now.

“Today, I have urged the parties, continue to talk. If you have not talked periodically in the past, do that now. It is for the well-being and welfare of nurses. They are the frontline personnel who receive the sick and ills of our nation and care for them. Government may not be able to do it all at once, but we can map a future plan of action for them, one that they know and understand that would allow them to enjoy working in the conditions they are exposed to” Vosarogo said.

Last Updated on 11 months by Publishing Team

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