World Diabetes foundation President visits Fiji

World Diabetes Foundation president Mr Nielsen Bent with foot care nurse Neelam Naidu at the Wainibokasi Hospital.


The president of the World Diabetes Foundation Mr Nielsen Bent was impressed with the progress made on foot care services in Fiji as he visited the various health facilities in the Central Division while on his stopover in Fiji as he was en route to Tonga.

Mr Bent also met with the trained nurses on foot care who are based at the health facilities and assisting people who present themselves with diabetes issues.

The nurses have been very confidently addressing patient needs and described how they saved people from amputations through the proper foot care trainings they had gone through.

Mr Bent praised the work of the nurses as they presented their reports on the achievements and the benefits of the training they were engaged in.

‘I am really impressed and I thank you for your hard work. Now I am satisfied that the funding of the diabetes program is in full use and I will be able to inform the World Health Foundation on the progress made so far,’’ Mr Bent said.