Zika Virus Travel Advice – Update July 27th, 2018

Fiji Ministry of Health & Medical Services

Travel Advice

Update July 27th, 2018

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services continues to conduct surveillance, including laboratory testing, for Zika Virus Disease in Fiji. In 2017 there was one confirmed case detected. There have been zero confirmed cases to date in 2018. There have also been zero reported cases of Zika Virus related complications (e.g. microcephaly) in 2017, and to date in 2018. The Ministry continues to encourage all Fijians and visitors to protect themselves from mosquito bites by using DEET containing mosquito repellant as, like many tropical areas, Fiji is also endemic for dengue fever, another virus spread by mosquitos.

For more information on Zika Virus visit http://www.health.gov.fj/?page_id=5188

Last Updated on 6 years by Publishing Team

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