Insecticide Poisoning

Public Advisory

26th December. 2021

The Ministry of Health & Medical Services has noticed that there has been a recent spate of cases of accidental Insecticide poisoning in the community reported from within Viti Levu and Vanua Levu which has resulted in near fatalities with cases requiring ICU care due to respiratory failure. This is from using insecticide concentrates that contain organophosphates e.g MAPA DIAZINON 60. Large doses of organophosphates can also harm people and other animals and poisoning can occur when you’re exposed to them for too long or at high levels.

The initial reports indicate that for most of those admitted the main factor was improper use of pesticides to deal with bed bugs with either the pesticides being used in poorly ventilated spaces and/or the space is not aired out well before reentry. The danger of an entire family being exposed overnight has also been seen and likewise, also people underestimate the dangers of using reconstituted insecticides in domestic settings.

The public is strongly advised to please read carefully the instructions, use protective gear when mixing and dispersing insecticides and if used indoors, ensure the indoor space is well aired out before being re-engaged. Better still get a professional to fumigate your home.

After using insecticides in indoor settings, evidence mild or early symptoms include impaired, blurry vision, stinging eyes, runny nose, watery eyes, excess saliva, headache, nausea, muscle weakness, muscle twitching, and agitation.
Evidence of dizziness, disorientation, coughing and wheezing, difficulty breathing, drooling or excessive phlegm, muscle twitching and tremors, muscle weakness, fatigue, severe vomiting and diarrhea, and involuntary urination and defecation is considered moderate symptoms.

Severe cases will have confusion, agitation, convulsions, excessive body secretions, including sweat, saliva, mucus, and tears, irregular heartbeat, collapse, respiratory depression or arrest, and coma.

Whilst early medical intervention can save lives, prevention is far better than the cure.

Last Updated on 3 years by Administrator – Riaz