Chose health this festive season

The Ministry of Health & Medical Services is encouraging the people of Fiji to maintain a healthy lifestyle and make wise nutrition choices this festive season.

With food and drinks being the highlight of the festivities, the Health Ministry is also advising the public to be more physically activity.

The Hon. Minister for Health & Medical Services Mr Jone Usamate said that foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar as well as alcohol should be consumed in moderation.

“The Health Ministry has available the Khana Kakana cookbook and a Live Healthy, Stay Healthy booklet that can be used as a guide in preparing healthy meals”.

Mr Usamate added that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are increasing as statistics shows that 30% of Fijians currently suffer from one. Furthermore with current trends in lifestyle habits, the percentage of people suffering from NCDs will increase.

“Lifestyle or behavioural risk factor intervention remains a key in Fiji’s fight against NCDs. We must all ensure that we are eating in moderation and becoming more physically active”, Mr Usamate added.

Another concern during the festive season is the consumption of alcohol which should be in moderation.

“It has been noted that excessive alcohol consumption leads to unnecessary spending, in some cases domestic violence and even road accidents”.

Bearing this in mind, the Health Ministry reminds all that ultimately, families and friends want to spend this festive season without any mishaps.

The Health Ministry reiterates that processed foods, meals with high sugar and salt, alcohol and soft drinks, must be consumed in moderation or avoided. While it is also important to increase water consumption and be more physically active.

Everyone is encouraged to focus on healthy living this festive season and the Health Ministry wishes all a healthy and merry Christmas.