Media release 2: 2020 Novel Coronavirus


The Ministry of Health and Medical Services today called the first meeting of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus Multi-agency Steering Committee. Members of the steering committee include representatives from the Office of the Prime Minister, Solicitor General’s Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Ministry of Communications, the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji, Department of Civil Aviation, Fiji Revenue and Customs Service, Department of Immigration, Ministry of Defence and National Security, and the Fiji Police Force.

Representatives from the World Health Organisation presented an update on 2019-nCoV to the steering committee, which included recommendations from the WHO Emergency Committee to member states. The Ministry of Health and Medical Services detailed the steps currently being taken to manage the risk of 2019-nCoV, with an emphasis on prevention, early detection, rapid response and case management, and preparedness of health facilities and staff. The agencies present discussed and came to agreement on shared responsibilities for effective preparedness and response.

The 2019 Novel Coronavirus Multiagency Steering Committee will meet weekly to ensure a co-ordinated multiagency response to address the risk of 2019-nCoV.

Last Updated on 4 years by Publishing Team

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