MHMS Monitors Fiji’s Border Health for JN.1 Variant of COVID-19

PR 01/24

Date: 02/01/2023

Ministry of Health & Medical Services Monitors Fiji’s Borders for JN.1 Variant of COVID-19

The Ministry of Health & Medical Services is collaborating with the World Health Organization (WHO) on the reported emergence of the JN.1 variant of the COVID-19 virus.

Multiple countries around the world have reported this variant and the WHO has classified JN.1 as a separate variant of interest (VOI) from the parent lineage BA.2.86 variant on 18 December 2023 given its rapid increase in prevalence. Based on current evidence and information available, there were minimal admissions and public health impacts at this time from this VOI. This may change as more is known about the illness caused by this variant.

The Ministry is continuing to monitor the situation with the new variant and is scaling up the surveillance process and laboratory investigations at the Fiji Centre for Disease Control (Fiji CDC).

The Ministry is urging the public to remain vigilant and take proactive measures to protect against respiratory illnesses. This includes practicing good hand hygiene, and proper coughing and sneezing practice, staying up to date with vaccinations, and seeking prompt medical attention for any concerning symptoms. Vulnerable members of our communities such as the elderly, pregnant, babies and young children, disabled, and those with chronic diseases should be encouraged and supported with personal COVID-19 safety measures.

Travelers are advised to ensure their COVID vaccination is updated and to practice COVID-safe measures including the use of face masks where appropriate while overseas.

The Ministry encourages anyone who falls sick with COVID-19-like symptoms to get tested, and if positive, avoid attending work or gathering over the 5 days. Those who are experiencing severe illness that includes shortness of breath should present themselves immediately to their nearest health facility for treatment.

COVID-19 Symptoms

People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Anyone can have mild to severe symptoms. Possible symptoms include:

➔        Fever or chills

➔        Cough

➔        Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

➔        Fatigue

➔        Muscle or body aches

➔        Headache

➔        Loss of taste or smell

➔        Sore throat

➔        Congestion or runny nose

➔        Nausea or vomiting

➔        Diarrhea


When to Seek Emergency Medical Attention

➔        Trouble breathing

➔        Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

➔        Confused state.

➔        Inability to wake or stay awake.

➔        Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips, or nail beds, depending on skin tone.



Last Updated on 8 months by Administrator – Riaz


PR 59/23

21st December 2023


The Ministry of Health and Medical Services wishes to inform the public of an outbreak of typhoid fever in Lau Settlement in Ra. 

There have been 6 cases of typhoid fever from three linked  households in this settlement reported from September to December this year, with 2 in September, 2 in November, and 2 in December. Three of the people with typhoid were admitted to Rakiraki hospital. One person has sadly died, while the remaining 5 have since recovered after treatment. 

Typhoid fever is a disease caused by Salmonella typhi bacteria that spreads from infected persons to others through fecal contamination of food or water. 

Response measures conducted: 

The Ministry Health and Medical Services has a team on the ground from the Ra Sub-divisional Outbreak Response Team actively responding to the situation. 

Response measures undertaken so far have included: 

Contact Tracing and followup: including identifying others who may have been exposed to ensure they receive appropriate monitoring and treatment. 

Community awareness : Educating the community about  symptoms of typhoid fever, modes of transmission and  the importance of good hygiene & sanitation practices to prevent the spread of diseases. 

House to house inspections:  assessing water, sanitation and hygiene status, conducting disinfection, supplying soap for hand washing. 

Direct supervision of mass gathering: Ministry officers directly supervised a funeral at the settlement to ensure safe food handling and other measures to prevent disease spread. 

Water sampling: water sources in the settlement were sampled and results are negative for contaminants. 

Response measures planned: 

The Ministry will be providing field latrines to address identified sanitation issues. 

There will also be a mass screening of the people in the settlement to identify cases. 

The Ministry is working to provide the typhoid conjugate vaccine (currently used in the Northern Division) to prevent further spread and cases in future in this settlement. 

Advice to the public 

The Ministry is advising against any non-essential travel to Lau Settlement in Ra, as a precaution to prevent further infections and the spread of typhoid to other parts of Fiji. 

While this outbreak is currently limited to this particular settlement in Ra,  with the festive season upon us, we are advising the public to prioritize good hygiene practices, including proper handwashing with soap and water before preparing or eating meals, as well as after using the toilet. 

We also advise the public to be aware of the symptoms of typhoid fever and to promptly seek medical attention at your nearest health facility if you experience any of the following :

  • High fever
  • Weakness
  • General discomfort (malaise)
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhoea
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Persistent cough

Typhoid fever information sheet

Last Updated on 9 months by Administrator – Riaz

Ministry monitoring reports of clusters of respiratory illness in children in Northern China

PR 51/23

Date: 23/11/2023

Public Advisory

Ministry monitoring reports of clusters of respiratory illness in children in Northern China

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services is monitoring reports in the last 24 hours of an increase in respiratory illness in Northern China, especially in children. The Ministry has consulted the World Health Organisation (WHO) and note that the WHO has requested additional information from China, as stated in a press release today.

We also note that as China enters its winter season, it has reported an increase in respiratory infections that include influenza, rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and mycoplasma pneumonia, which are all common pathogens that cause respiratory illness in children.

It is possible that the more recent reports of an increase in respiratory illness in Northern China are also due to these common respiratory viruses that affect children, which decreased during the pandemic due to restrictions put in place to reduce the spread of COVID-19, and then rebounded once those restrictions lifted. We saw a similar situation in Fiji and other countries in the last two years.

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services will continue to monitor the situation and update the public as more information is received.



For more information please contact:

Ministry of Health & Medical Services,

Communications Team

Mobile: 2384535


Last Updated on 10 months by Administrator – Riaz

Urgent – Nausori Health Centre Update

Thursday 16th November, 2023


Urgent – Nausori Health Centre Update

Members of the public are herein advised that all General Outpatients Department (GOPD) services and Dental Services for Nausori Health Centre will resume tomorrow morning, Friday (17/11/23) from 0700hrs (7am).

Emergency cases and Maternity cases only will continue to be seen at the Nausori Maternity Hospital.

Normal operations for Special Outpatients Patients Department (SOPD), Maternal and Child Health Services (MCH), Pharmacy and Physiotherapy services have resumed today Thursday 16th November, 2023.

The field hospital which was taken down during TC Mal, as a precautionary measure, is currently being set up together with the necessary supportive equipment as the Nausori Health Centre is undergoing urgent renovations.

The Ministry of Health & Medical Services apologises for any inconvenience caused and please note that our health team on site will be more than happy to assist members of the public present at any health facility.

For more information, please contact our Help Line on 9921074 or email:

Last Updated on 10 months by Administrator – Riaz

Ministry of Health Prepares for Possible LTDD Outbreaks



Public Advisory

Ministry of Health Prepares for Possible Leptospirosis, Typhoid, Dengue fever and Diarrheoal disease Outbreaks

With TC Mal leaving our shores, the Ministry of Health & Medical Services will be focusing its post-cyclone approach on combatting Leptospirosis, Typhoid, Dengue and Diarrhoea (LTDD) as the risk of outbreaks of LTDD increases following periods of flooding and heavy rain. The Ministry of Health & Medical Services recognizes the need for urgent, focused and sustained efforts to reduce the risk of LTDD outbreak and to reduce the risk of severe outcomes in those that get LTDD disease.

We will be escalating community awareness and community mobilization for LTDD, including through a mass media campaign, to provide information to the public for prevention of LTDD disease and for early recognition of symptoms and presentation to medical facilities. Awareness will also be raised amongst clinicians to enable early recognition of signs and symptoms and appropriate treatment. We will also be strengthening Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) initiatives, facilitating clean up campaigns and other environmental control measures in at risk communities.

We urge the public to take heed of the Ministry’s advice to prevent LTDD outbreaks and severe outcomes of LTDD disease post cyclone and during the current rainy season.

LTDD Resources:

For more information please contact:

Ms Mela Katonivualiku,

Senior Media Liaison Officer,

Ministry of Health & Medical Services,




Last Updated on 10 months by Administrator – Riaz