Guiding Principles
Fiji’s Health System
The Fiji Islands are a republic comprised of over 330 islands, covering more than 18,000 square kilometers. The nature of this geography poses significant challenges for the delivery of health services to a population that is dispersed over such a large maritime region. The Ministry of Health services all of Fiji under the 4 main Divisions and 21 sub-divisions including Rotuma. The Ministry of Health operates with divisional and sub-divisional departments of the Ministry of Health.
The 2007 census place Fiji’s population at 837,271 (for ease of government planning, this population is divided into four Divisions; Central – with a population of 342,477, Eastern – with a population of 39,313, Northern – with a population of 135,961 and Western – with a population of 319,611). The total rural population was 412,425 (49.3%) and the total urban population was 424,846 (50.7%) of the national population. The trend reveals a growing urban drift in Fiji’s population.
The Ministry of Health delivers its services to this population, with 3 main Divisional Hospitals, 18 Sub-divisional Hospitals, over 80 Health Centers, and 99 Nursing Stations in 2014. You can use our interactive map to locate your nearest health center.
Health Donors
The Ministry of Health is grateful to our development partners and donors for the work they do in assisting us to improve the health system and the health of Fijians.
Australian AID
Global Fund
Indian Government