
The Free Medicine Programme is a milestone project of the Fijian Government that was initiated in 2015. This scheme was introduced as part of the Governments initiative to ensure equity in terms of accessibility and availability of key medicines through private and public sector Pharmacies to citizens with an annual income of below $20,000. To redeem benefits under the programme, patients must be registered either under Free Medicine Programme or under the many social welfare schemes of the Fijian Government, including (the social pension scheme, poverty benefit scheme and child protection allowance scheme). Recent inclusion to the programme recipient list is patients who access medications under General Practitioner – Public Private Partnership Scheme.

Free Medicine Programme Reform was launched on the 14th of April, 2022. In accordance with the FMP Reform Agreement, upon presentation of a valid prescription, Private Pharmacies are able to dispense prescribed FMP products to qualified FMP recipients from their own inventory and redeem monetary reimbursements from the Ministry of Health & Medical Services. This reform has brought about significant changes to the programme facilitation and has injected greater efficiency in FMP service provision benefitting the many patients accessing services under the scheme.

Below is a list of forms available for download related Free Medicine Scheme.

Free Medicine Leaflet – Free Medicine List

How to Register

For this reason, Registration Forms will be available in the following areas, at all Divisional Hospital, Sub Divisional hospitals and main Health Centres.

All eligible Fijians intending to register for this Initiative are to bring the following documentation to the areas mentioned above:

• Original or Certified Copy of Birth Certificate (Full Extract);
• Marriage Certificate if you are using or wish to use your married name;
• FNPF Member ID or any other form of valid photo identification such as the Electronic Voter Registration (EVR)card, Driving License or Passport.
• In the absence of a photo ID, eligible Fijians may submit a passport size photo certified by a Justice of Peace, Provincial Administrator, Commissioner for Oaths, Advisory/Provincial Councilors, Mata ni Tikina and Civil Servants above Principal level.

Registration RequirementsFree Medicines Program Poster/National Registration Places

Free Medicine ProgramFree Medicine Registration Form

Free Medicine Manual Dispensing FormManual Dispensing Form

List of FMP Participating Private Pharmacies

FMP Products Allocation by Facility Level

Approved General Practitioners – PPP GP Scheme

Contact Us

  • Email-
  • Phone – 3388 000
  • Direct Line – 8921 659
  • Extension – 393655
  • Office Location – Lot 1 Jerusalem Rd, Vatuwaqa

Last Updated on 7 months by Publishing Team