

MEDIA STATEMENT: For Release 23/07/2024 The Ministry of Health and Medical Services is announcing the end of the outbreaks of leptospirosis in the Western Division and Kadavu and the end of the outbreaks of dengue fever in the Western Division and Ovalau that were declared on April 29th this year. A declining trend of case…

MHMS Responds to the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

11/05/2024 Ministry of Health and Medical Services Responds to News Article by the Fiji Times on the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine The Ministry of Health and Medical Services is aware that AstraZeneca has recently announced that it has withdrawn its COVID-19 vaccine worldwide citing a surplus of available updated vaccines that target new variants of the…

Leptospirosis Outbreak in Kadavu and the Western Division

PR  13/2024 For Immediate Release 26/04/2024 Leptospirosis Outbreak in Kadavu and the Western Division The Ministry of Health and Medical Services has declared leptospirosis outbreaks in Kadavu and in the Western Division where case numbers are significantly above the expected levels for this time of the year. Kadavu Leptospirosis Outbreak The Kadavu medical subdivision has…

Dengue Fever Outbreak in Ovalau and the Western Division

PR  14/2024 For Immediate Release 26/04/2024 Dengue Fever Outbreak in Ovalau and the Western Division The Ministry of Health and Medical Services has declared dengue fever outbreaks in Ovalau and in the Western Division where case numbers are significantly above expected levels for this time of the year. Ovalau Dengue Outbreak There have been 72…

Health Precautions During & After Heavy Rain & Flooding

Heavy rain and flooding can pose a number of health risks, both during and after the event. Here are some important health precautions to take during and after heavy rain and flooding:   During heavy rain and flooding:   • Avoid contact with floodwater. Floodwater can contain sewage, chemicals, and other contaminants that can cause…