Below is a list of the key Ministry of Health Public programmes.
- Family Health
- Non Communicable Diseases
- Health Promotion
- Communicable Diseases
- Oral Health
- National Food & Nutrition Centre
- Environmental Health
- National Emergency and Disaster Management (Click to view HEADMAP)
- National Eye Care Services
- Mental health & Suicide prevention
- Rehabilitation Services
- Tobacco Control
- Tuberculosis & Leprosy
- Fiji Wellness Achievement Program – “Workplace Pilot“
View our events calendar to see what health events are coming up in Fiji.
Below is a list of guidelines to download or view online for health workers in Fiji.
List of Resources
We invite Ministry of Health staff to complete our employee satisfaction survey 2014, so that we can gather feedback and improve our internal systems and processes. The survey is completely confidential.
The Health Research Unit is part of the Department of Health Information, Research and Analysis. The role of the Health Research Unit is to:
• Develop and encourage the application of appropriate and ethical health research methods that will promote and maintain the protection of human and animal research subjects ;
• Provide credible evidence based data that will strengthen and support evidence based planning, reporting and decision making that will improve health and health care in Fiji.
• Monitor progress of all health research activities endorsed by the NHRC and FNRERC.
• Coordinate in – country health research related trainings /workshop programs.
• Coordinate health research publications for the Ministry, in particular, Fiji Journal of Public Health.
The Unit staff includes the National Health Research Officer, who also is the Secretariat to the National Health Research Committee for (Overall research review & clearance, Research monitoring & ERC accreditation) and the Fiji National Health Research Ethics Review Committee for (ethical review and clearance, ethics regulations, policies & training).
Its collaborating partners include national, regional and external academic institutions, national and regional agencies, Fiji Government agencies, NGO’s, Donor partners, and the general public.
Since 2012, the Health Research process has been undergoing review which has resulted in the establishment of appropriate policies, guidelines, standard operating procedures and online databases to facilitate and maximize efficient, transparent and accountable conduct of health research in Fiji. Depending on your health research related needs and requirements please visit the databases below for more information.
• For Health Research submission, review and clearance process, related policies, guidelines and procedures for responsible conduct of health research in Fiji, please visit the Fiji Online Health Research Portal link;
• For the Fiji Journal of Public Health publications, submission process and requirements, please visit the Fiji Journal of Public Health link;
• For archiving, searching, comparing and applying for access to public health related data and population-based survey data, please visit the Fiji National Online Data Repository link;
National Health Research Office,
Ministry of Health and Medical Services,
Phone: (679) 3306170 Ext: 340170
The Fiji online Health Research Portal is another milestone initiative by the Fiji Ministry of Health Research Unit and Research Department of CMNHS, FNU, which provides a platform for an integrated online research management system for all health research in Fiji.
The realisation of this online portal has been made possible through technical support from WHO. The portal aims to improve accountability, efficiency and quality of health research conducted in Fiji through transparency and streamlining of the ethics review process.
The Portal can be used to:
Submit research proposals anytime from anywhere for review by any of the two Research Ethics Review Committees (CHRERC at CMNHS, FNU and FNHRERC at MoH) operating in Fiji. As a Researcher, you will need to register on the Portal.
Once registered you will have a permanent account that will enable you to submit research proposal online and also track review status of your proposal.
Search ongoing and completed health research from January 2014 onwards through a publicly accessible research registry. No registration or log in is required to search the ongoing research and completed research.
Access complete research reports for all research started since January 2014 once the research is completed. [Since the system was launched only in December 2013, there are no research reports in the system at present, but will be added as and when a research is completed over time.]
Access information on all the applicable guidelines, rules, and regulations related to health research in Fiji (being added…)
Access a “Researchers’ Directory” containing information on the national and international researchers doing research in Fiji.
The FJPH, is a Fiji based Journal published for Public Health practitioners, public health researchers, clinicians and all allied health practitioners. Our goal is to provide evidence based information and analysis they need to enable them to make the right choices and decisions concerning their health and health services provided to ensure better health for all.
Please direct all enquiries and subscriptions to:
National Health Research Office,
Ministry of Health and Medical Services,
Phone: (679) 3306170 Ext: 340170