Media Release
COVID-19 Update
Friday, 18 June 2021
Transmission Update
We have recorded 115 new cases in the 24-hour period ending at 8:00 am today. As we noted yesterday, we will report cases going forward by 3:00 pm each day covering the 24-hour period ending at 8:00 am on the day of each update.
The majority of these cases are related to existing clusters of transmission or to localities where significant transmission has occurred. These localities are well known areas of concern that we have discussed in our updates throughout the current outbreak.
52 cases are from the following known clusters:
Waila: 8
Nasinu Police Barracks: 6
Navosai: 2
Nawajikuma, Nadi: 7
Townhouse hotel: 7
Freshet: 13
Rewa EOC: 1
12 are from new clusters: Max Value Supermarket, Lami (8) and Public Rental Board (4)
7 cases have also been detected during screening at the Valelevu, Nuffield, and Raiwaqa screening clinics. 1 case was also identified during screening at Nadi hospital. Investigations are underway to determine any links to known cases.
21 have been identified as primary contacts of previous cases and are under investigation by the contact tracing teams to determine if there is a cluster link.
22 cases are from the following areas and are under investigation to determine if they have links to other cases. They are currently considered cases of community transmission: Naqio settlement, Rewa (2), Nadave (1), Nausori village (7), Naulu (4), Omkar Rd, Narere (1), Valenicina, Lami (1), Verata, Nausori (1), Milverton Road, Raiwaqa (1), Qauia, Lami (2), Naduru Rd, Nausori (1), and Fiji Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Services (1)
We unfortunately have recorded another death at CWM Hospital. This is a 49-year-old man who had been admitted for almost a month and was being treated for a severe non-COVID pre-existing condition. He tested positive for COVID-19 during his admission, and his doctors are currently investigating to determine if this is a COVID-19 death.
There are now 1182 active cases in isolation. There have been 1578 cases during this outbreak that started in April 2021.
We have recorded a total of 1648 cases in Fiji since the first case was reported in March 2020. There have been 452 recoveries and 6 deaths due to COVID-19. A total of 7 COVID-19 positive patients have died from pre-existing non-COVID-19 related illnesses. 1 new death is currently under investigation.
Testing update
A total of 121,193 samples have been tested since this outbreak started in April 2021, with 164,054 tested since testing began in early 2020.
3089 tests have been reported for June 16th. The national 7-day daily test average is 3443 tests per day or 3.9 tests per 1000 population.
Vaccination Update
We continue to make excellent progress in our vaccination effort. 43% of Fijians 18 and older have received their first dose, and 2.1% are fully vaccinated. That is a total of 252,791 who have received at least one dose and 12,246 who are fully vaccinated.
In the first four days of this week, we have administered 14,425 first doses and 6,752 second doses. In the Central Division, 9,897 received their first dose this week and 3,904 people have received their second. In the Western Division this week, 4,592 people received their first dose and 2,767 received their second.
We are moving steadily to the outcome we want—having 80% of our adult population vaccinated. We encourage all Fijians to arrange to get vaccinated as soon as you can.